Managing study projects
Last updated
Managing study projects
Last updated
Before any studies can be added to Study Tracker, you must first add at least one Program. Programs are defined as the top-level unit of work in your organization, under which you can register as many studies and assays as you like.
You can manage programs from the 'Programs' tab of the Admin Dashboard. Click the 'New Program' button on this page to enter the program creation form. Most of the fields on this form are important and required, so take a moment to consider them:
Name: Your program must have a unique name. It should not be too long, but should be clear in its definition.
Code: This should be a short alphanumeric string, preferably upper-case. It will be used as a prefix for generating study and assay codes.
Description: Provide a brief description for your program, explaining its purpose and goal.
Active: Unless this is a legacy program no longer in use, this value should be set to 'Active'.
If you have configured integration with an ELN (such as Benchling), you can connect your program to an existing project in the application. Choose the project you would like to link your program to from the 'ELN Project' dropdown and all of the required fields will be populated from the ELN platform. It is possible to use the same ELN project for multiple Study Tracker programs.
Be sure to create your ELN projects before adding programs to Study Tracker. Benchling does not support remote creation of projects through their API. It is also important to make sure that the API account Study Tracker is using to communicate with the ELN has write access to requested projects.
All programs require a file storage location to create their folder hierarchy for child studies and assays. Select a root folder from the 'Parent Folder' dropdown to use. A new folder named after your program will be created within this root folder and will be used as the default file storage location for all studies and assays created within it.
You can optionally also create a group in any integrated Git server (eg. GitLab) to store Git repositories created for studies and assays within your program. Select the root Git Project Group from the dropdown and a subgroup for your program will be created within it.
After successful creation of your new project, you will be redirected to the Program Details page. From here, you can modify your program, browse all associated studies, and view all activity in the timeline. Links are also provided to the newly-created folders in your file storage and ELN systems.